Welcome to the Forrest Hill School English as a Second Language Programme (ESOL)

Being an increasingly diverse school with a huge range of multicultural backgrounds, our ESOL programme is a flexible one that reflects the needs of students. ESOL students across all year levels have specifically designed programmes to help support the acquisition of English as an additional language in reading, writing and oral language.
Students are withdrawn in small groups with other students of a similar level, and lessons are taken by trained, experienced teachers.
In addition, we have employed learning assistants from a range of cultures to help support the cultural needs of students and their families.

We have created this site for at-home learning and in case of a lockdown. Online Learning Links.

Below are our Seesaw Blogs where you can follow the latest events and where we will share our learning with the community.

ESOL lessons cover listening, speaking, reading and writing, and are delivered in ways that support the classroom inquiry and language. This is achieved through engaging in aspects of vocabulary, structure, grammar and conversation.

If you’d like to know more about our ESOL programme at Forrest Hill School, please contact our ESOL teacher, Marshia Geminiano